Electronic stores history and origins


Electronic stores history and origins

Electronic stores history and origins:

E-commerce has become a preoccupation for many at the present time, especially with the rapid technological development and the Corona crisis, which highlighted the importance of electronic commerce.

E-commerce is on the rise, due to the increase in the number of Internet users in the world, in addition to the financial return that companies and people earn through e-commerce.

Definition of E-Commerce:

It is the process of selling, buying or exchanging products, services and information using the Internet, where all electronic transactions are conducted through the Internet.

The term electronic commerce appeared in the world of economics in the early nineties of the last century with the beginning of the spread of the Internet in the world, but there are some experts who refer to its spread in the seventies of the last century through electronic information exchange systems between industrial companies, which expanded the scope of electronic commerce from mere financial transactions to other transactions.

A Brief History of Amazon:

Amazon is considered the first company in e-commerce because of the great success it has achieved, as the reason for its success is due to its professionalism and professionalism in dealing with customers and taking care of their requests very well, which gave it wide fame and great confidence from customers.

Amazon was started in 1994 by Jeff Bezos and was called Kadabra at the time. Amazon initially started trading e-books only on the Internet, and in 1995 it was called Amazon, and one of its most important inventions (Kindle e-book) in 2007 is just a tablet device to read and store books on it for greater convenience.

Amazon is still the largest and most popular e-commerce company to this day.

In addition to Amazon, there are many companies and stores that have achieved great profits and fame, such as OLX, Alibaba, Souq.com and many others....

In 1995, Pierre Omidyar launched the AuctionWeb store, which we know today as eBay, and in the same year, the Amazon bookstore was launched by its owner Jeff Bezos.

Since that time and until today, eBay and Amazon have become one of the largest electronic stores that sell all kinds of products.

In 1998, the famous payment platform PayPal was launched by 4 founders and merged with Online Banking for its owner Elon Musk to begin its fame as a platform for transferring money online.

In 1999, the Alibaba platform was launched as an online store, with a funding of $25 million

In 2001 the company was profitable and still is the most popular B2B merchant trading platform.

In 2000, the Google AdWords platform was launched as an online advertising tool that pays for its ads based on the number of clicks and page views.

There are many powerful services and companies in e-commerce that were launched after the year 2000, and they are among the most famous companies today, such as Facebook, Google and Apple services.

E-commerce features:

Speed ​​in completing business operations:

This is due to the presence of all the details of the displayed product such as pictures and videos, and all the possible details with the possibility of purchasing at any time the customer wants, as this feature shortens the time from going to a store on the ground, so it is possible to buy from anywhere.

Lower costs and working times:
Exploiting technology to explain product information to the customer and its presence 24 hours on the Internet, and selling to many countries without having to open a branch in each country and complete the process of selling and paying customers.

It is considered one of the strongest features of electronic stores in reducing operating expenses, and today is characterized by technological intelligence in understanding the customer’s behavior on the online store, based on what he is looking for within the store and seeing “relevant” products that are really what he expects.

Ease of access for clients:
The online store will not be linked to the location of the mall or the street in which you are located, as it is distinguished by selling on a regional level, instead of selling only at the local level, allowing you to reach customers wherever they are and at any time.

Disadvantages of e-commerce

With all the advantages of e-commerce today, it still has some disadvantages, which are:

Limited interaction with clients:
Face-to-face dealings give greater confidence and faster understanding of customers’ needs and interests, but this can still be compensated by raising the brand’s reputation and publishing daily videos to raise the level of communication with customers and providing quick support to customers while purchasing through the online store to respond to their inquiries.
Technology failures that may affect the completion of the sale process:
Marketing for your products, competitive prices and other features will not help if your online store contains some errors and is slow in browsing products, where technology and speed of browsing and displaying products play a major role in completing the sale process, make sure that you have strong technical support for your online store, and build its software on a strong foundation that allows customers Browse quickly, and buy products easily at any time they want.
The product cannot be tested or tried:
One of the strongest defects that still exist, especially for products such as clothing and makeup, which products the customer wants to try and ensure their effectiveness, as the market remains enjoying this feature at a strong level, but companies are trying to cover this defect through more videos to explain the product and the technology of displaying the product 360 degrees.
At the end of the article, Alameer Media notes that there is still time for everyone to start e-commerce, keep pace with this market, and establish yourself in it.

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