E-mail marketing


E-mail marketing

E-mail marketing

E-marketing has become an important issue in promoting products and brands, whether for companies or individuals, and companies are competing in promoting their products and brands.

There are many methods of e-marketing, including online stores, and search engine marketing such as Google, marketing through social media platforms, and email marketing, which will be our topic for today.

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Some believe that e-mail marketing is old and attributed this to the fact that it began with the emergence of the Internet and developed with its development and is still considered an effective method of marketing excellently.

First, what is electronic marketing:

It is marketing using e-mail with the aim of promoting a product or branding or promoting the services it provides and also to develop the relationship with potential customers, with the participation of current and potential customers on the latest developments of the services and products that you offer or new offers and to maintain communication with customers in order to increase the trust between you and the customer, That is, it is a form of direct marketing and is similar to paper marketing but is more effective.

Second, the uses of email marketing

One of the most important goals of email marketing is to increase the trust between you and potential customers and work to increase this trust to convert potential customers to real customers.

It is also used to keep customers informed of all new offers, products and services that you offer, as it is considered an effective way to continue communicating with customers.

Third, what are the most important e-mail marketing programs

There are many programs and tools that have made email marketing easy and uncomplicated, and the most important of these tools are MailChimp and Constant Contact tool, which allows designing for sent e-mails, also allows the sending feature to a large number of people and has free and paid features.

Free marketing through these tools allows fewer designs and fewer messages than paid services. These tools also enable you to monitor the interaction of customers and potential customers with the messages you have sent, such as you can also use an email marketing program to track analyzes such as clickthrough rates, open prices and bounce rates. And transfers.

Fourth, do I need email marketing?

Email marketing is important, especially for small businesses, as it is inexpensive and effective and allows direct communication with clients and builds trust with customers by providing exclusive offers to clients and potential clients.

Fifth, the most important advantages of email marketing

Most of the Internet users use e-mail by up to 94%, and thus access to a large number of Internet users.
Most internet users prefer email marketing.
Direct communication with the client.
Building trust with the client
The ability to follow up and analyze campaign results, such as who opens messages and who visits your site or pages.
A high return on investment because you send messages to people who previously allowed you to send messages to them, as email marketing is one of the cheapest methods in e-marketing.

Email marketing works with other marketing tools

To complete the explanation about what email marketing is, we should mention how email marketing works alongside other marketing methods.

You can promote service or product profiles on the platforms through e-mail messages, as your organization sends messages asking subscribers to follow you across the platforms by entering the links attached to the mail.

Another way is to display ads on social media platforms that require users of the platforms to register using e-mail or submit a form as a subscription link in your mailing list.

So whenever you are interested in following your brand through communication platforms, you will need to follow up your brand via e-mail as well.

You can set up a Facebook campaign on the Internet geared towards collecting emails that you can use for email marketing.

Then using emails, send reminders to your audience for remarketing.

These emails can be customized with specific products from your online store.

Prince Media Company hopes that we have succeeded in explaining marketing using e-mail in a simple and complete way. We thank you for your support and your follow-up to us.